Full Home Staging

Transform your townhouse, unit or property with our comprehensive house staging service for vacant properties

At Melbourne Property Styling Co., our job is to craft an incredible first impression on your ideal buyers. We do this by showcasing the property and creating a beautiful, welcoming space.

Within the first five seconds of walking into your property, they’ll know if they’ll be making an offer or not. The best way to achieve a fantastic sale price on your property is to create an emotional connection with the potential buyer — straight away.

Our stylists have a trained eye, identifying areas that will distract prospective buyers and instead directing them to see the value and potential of your property. To do this, we look at your property as a whole, with the goal of creating an immersive experience as they explore your property.

Full staging inclusions

Our full staging service is designed for completely vacant properties, so we can create a cohesive and emotional experience for your buyers. We’ll create a custom home styling package to suit your goals and budget, which may include:

  • Bedding furniture
  • Dining furniture
  • Lounge room furniture
  • Additional accessories.


Need more information about our full staging service? Check out our frequently asked questions (FAQs) to learn more.

“Our property sold in two weeks with some great feedback from those that inspected. Overall I believe the sale price was enhanced by Juliet. We could not have achieved the same results by trying to stage ourselves.”

Wayne Burgess